Mind Over Matterhorn | Web Content and Blog

Project Overview

Client: Travel agent looking to create a website dedicated a discussion on the Enneagram and travel.

Role: Built, designed and supplied all content for the website. Ongoing responsibility for the site’s blog.

Problem / Goals:

  • How to convey lots of complex information in a compelling way.

  • Come up with a consistent look and feel for the site.

  • Structure the information in a way that is easy to navigate and understand.

  • Create and develop an interesting niche for those interested in booking travel.

How I helped: I developed content that combines the wisdom of the Enneagram with practical travel tips and advice in a way that is easy to utilize and reference.

Project Requirements

Website Design: Came out with a layout that worked well for the subject matter. Then went page by page developing content and creating images that went along with the content.

Developed an Enneagram Apparel Shop: Helped create an online store where visitors can shop for products with the signature Enneagram designs on them. Set this up through a print-on-demand company.

Gina Neroweb content, blog