

Got an amazing story to tell, but no time to write it?

Whether you need a book, a chapter or even a letter of recommendation written, I have the time and expertise to help you get it done.

Most people have at least one great story in them. They want to write a book, but when it comes time to actually sit down and write, they can’t get past the first blank page. Or they try, but it just doesn’t sound like what they really mean. Eventually, the project gets pushed to the side, and that book just becomes another thing they couldn’t finish.

This doesn’t have to be the case anymore.

I specialize in listening to your ideas and transforming your words into the story you long to tell.

Not sure how to even convey what you want?

All you have to do is talk, and I’ll listen. I ask questions. And you answer. I go and write. Then I send you a story. Simple as that.

I’ve ghostwritten both books and shorter stories for people on vastly different topics. Depending on the length and scope of the project, we can arrange time to discuss the story you are trying to tell. I will take copious notes and turn that into a cohesive and compelling narrative.

Often I talk with people, and they are not even sure how the story should go. They just know they have something to say. I am great at zeroing in on a theme and message and then constructing the narrative in a way that resonates as your own and is compelling to read.

But will people be able to tell that I didn’t write it?

On the contrary, they will be impressed that on top of everything else you do, you are also a writer! When we talk, I am also listening to how you talk about your experience, the words you use and the way you think. So when I translate that into text, it’s all in your own voice.

You are left with a book or story that is totally your own. There is no trace of me at all. A true ghost :)

See what past ghostwriting clients have to say