Web Content


Struggling with finding the right words to fill the pages of your website.

Blinking cursor and nothing’s flowing? No problem. I can help find the right words to not only describe the true vibe of your business, but to help you connect with your ideal customers and get them to act.

A website is more than just a fancy address to put on your business card. When done right, it is like having salesperson (who you don’t have to pay) constantly promoting and selling your services. The words on your site should draw in your ideal customers like bees to honey. And the message should stick!

The words are important

It might feel like the actual words on your website are not that important. No one is actually going to read it anyway, right? They are going to look at the pictures and that’s it. Well, even though it makes me cringe to even type that, there is some truth to there, but that actually means you have to work harder at getting the right words because people are less willing to read content that is not useful to them. Use the wrong words, and you risk turning people away. Get the right word and get a sale.

I know my business inside and out, and only I can explain it to the customer.

Of course you are the expert at what you do, but that is more often a hurdle when trying to come up with web copy that draws in new customers. You are too close to your product or service. And you’re probably entranced by the details, the specs, and all the minutia of your offerings. That is the reason you are the expert and the reason why you shouldn’t write your own copy.

Customers don’t care about your business at all. [Sorry!] They are on your site because something in their life needs improving. And your website’s job is to fill that need and be the solution. I am a quick study and can learn just enough about, even the most complicated of businesses, to get an understanding of what you do and what your ideal customer needs. Then it’s about marrying those two things together so that they just can’t resist clicking, “Buy.”

Together we can draw out a plan for your entire website, come up with what pages you need and what one thing each page is for. Then we can make sure we have the perfect words on each page to achieve that goal. I can even help optimize each page for SEO.

Don’t need a full website?

Tailor my services to what you need. I can help:

  • Create landing pages for special promotions.

  • Create content for one or a few pages that match the tone and branding of an already-existing site.

  • Revise your current content to make it sound more in line with your real-life brand

  • Or go the full monty and create a site from scratch.

Whatever you need, when it comes to content, I can help.