Why Copy?

The Four C’s of Copywriting

Great Copy is like a beautiful diamond. The best always have the 4 Cs



The way in which a diamond is cut determines how much sparkle and fire it has. Copy is much the same. The way the words are organized on the page directly influence how compelling the copy is. Is the language passive or is it active? Is it weighted down with too many words or is it missing words that can paint a picture? Is it bland and just taking up space or is it telling an interesting story?


The highest quality of diamonds are colorless. Colorless is the best kind of copy as well. The actual words in your marketing should disappear so that the reader only experiences a sort of movie playing out in their mind, a movie that is all about your business or your product or your service. If you finish a sales letter or email and think, "Wow, that was great writing,” the marketing has failed. The sentiment of the reader should always be: “I need that thing, now.”



Diamonds shouldn’t have flaws and neither should your copy. Copy that is clear and error-free sends the right message. Flaws in copy are distractions. Stick to your central message. Don’t distract. Keep your copy clear and easy to interpret. If someone can’t follow what you’re saying, they won’t follow you to the register.


Carat is the equivalent of weight. Your copy should tip the scales. It needs weight. By that, I mean it should make an impact, and cause the reader to make a move. That is your call to action. There should be no question what the next action should be. If your copy doesn’t inspire action, it is simply taking up space on a page.



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